Essence of Amber

Is there a warmer, more soothing, more delicious color than amber?

Amber is nature at is most serene.

Amber is sunrise on the sea.

Amber is the desert at sunset.

Amber is the beach in the afternoon light.

Amber is the desert and the camel who calls it home.

And amber sunsets light the mountains.

It’s called The Golden Hour – that hour of warm light that turns the world golden just as the sun sets, but it could be called The Amber Hour.

Amber is the moonrise at its most inspired.

Amber is a transition – from day to night, from red to yellow.

Amber is the warmth of Oman.

Amber homes say welcome all across Oman.

The stone is amber.

The light is amber.

Amber lights up the city at night.

Amber is the flavor of Oman.

Amber is love.

Amber lights my way home.

Amber captures time and that’s what we are doing with the Amber Collection – capturing a bit of the past and the future of Oman in fabric and fashion.

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